Shxw’ōwhámél Ventures (SLVP) is pleased to announce that work has been completed on Phase 1 of the Workers Accommodation Complex, named Sqémél Lá:lém (which translates into Pit House Lodge in our traditional language). This Workers Accommodation Complex will be used to provide housing solutions for the workers on the Trans Mountain Expansion Project, with the first guests having arrived in December 2020.
SLVP has been a partner with LandSea Camp Services (LandSea) since 2018, working together to pursue major construction projects, including the construction and operations of the temporary housing site at Sqémél Lá:lém. The site currently accommodates up to 350 workers, has a 6-unit recreation facility, and a 21-unit kitchen, with dining facilities capable of feeding and seating up to 700 workers and guests. The site is outfitted with a range of modern comforts and amenities, including high-speed internet and turndown services. The most attractive feature of Sqémél Lá:lém is that the design of the camp allows for a future legacy housing development project for Shxw’ōwhámél First Nation in years to come.
Throughout the construction phase, LandSea maximized all opportunities related to Indigenous inclusion. This included employment of 9 of our community members, as well as subcontracting to our partners, Skwó:wech Environmental Services (Jacobs), Pioneer Truck Lines, Liberty Construction Management, Jim Dent Construction, Progressive Fencing, Paladin Security, Golder Associates, and SJ and Son Services. In addition, the ongoing maintenance and operation of the camp will remain a source of employment for the Shxw’ōwhámél First Nation community for years to come.

“Our purpose has always been to maximize Shxw’ōwhámél Ventures’ participation on every project surrounding our community,” states Alfred James, CEO of Shxw’ōwhámél Ventures. “I am proud that LandSea focused on not only employment and training opportunities for our members, but also subcontracting work to 8 of our partners to work together on the Sqémél Lá:lém project.”
A major goal of this project was to provide steady, full-time employment to the local Indigenous communities in the surrounding area, as well as training opportunities to provide these community members with rewarding, lifelong, employable skills. Through lunch and learns, hiring fairs, and training programs, we are proud to announce that nearly half of the total workforce hired during the Operations Phase of the project is Indigenous.

“Our partners are diverse, offering a full suite of services that allow us to participate in every project opportunity, throughout the pre-construction, construction, and operations and maintenance stages,” continues Alfred James. “I look forward to more opportunities to work together with many of our partners in 2021.”
To learn more about how you can advance your career in an inclusive, supportive, and respectful work environment, visit our list of active job postings to join the Shx’wowhamel Ventures team.